

About Kaokoland Kaokoland, occasionally referred to as Kaokoveld, and known officially as the Kunene Region, is a place of extremes. With an average elevation of 1 400 m and a population density of one person every 2 km², it’s one of the wildest, least populated, and...


About Damaraland Damaraland is one of Namibia’s most iconic landscapes, boasting rugged, stony landscapes, and stark beauty. Officially, Damaraland is known as the Kunene Region and incorporates parts of Erongo, and Kakamas. Yet, most travelers still refer to it by...
Caprivi / Zambezi Region

Caprivi / Zambezi Region

About Caprivi Strip The Caprivi Strip is that long strip of land you see protruding from Namibia’s northeast corner when you look at a map. Yet it’s a stand-out feature of the country from more than a geographic perspective. Unlike the rest of the country, the Caprivi...