Franko Pfänder 081 128 9671
Piet Stoman Jnr. (PD) 081 260 6679
Penilane - Anesh Morar 081 270 1007
Richard Meyer 081 368 1627
Raimond Seefeldt 081 641 2325
Ruan Greeff 081 381 9711
Tchitula Brothers - Rovy Mingo 081 484 8778
Lize Ehlers 081 277 1671
Gerhard Bekker [email protected]
Sharon van Rooi [email protected]
Ruan Greeff [email protected]
Raymond Seefeldt [email protected]
Mattew Castleman [email protected]
Sascha Olivier-Sampson - Dancer
Edward Ward - MC 081 128 1474
Lazarus Jacobs - MC & Comedian 081 128 6999/
061 387142
061 387142
Valid until further notice. Prices subject to change without prior notice. Rates include VAT and the NTB Levy. Bookings Essential.
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